Case Studies and Articles

Is this the right tool for all the wrong reasons? – Vaughn Henry & Associates

Vaughn W. Henry

Susan Barry, a 66-year-old widow, has 320 acres of productive farmland on the edge of town.  She and her late husband resided there for most of their 35-year marriage, but when he passed away two years ago, she turned the management duties over to her tenant farmer who now rents her ground.  The past two years have been dismal for farm income, and real estate developers frequently solicit her.  Her children aren’t interested in farming and the land is the principal asset in her estate, since Mr. Barry never got around to starting a retirement plan and didn’t believe in using life insurance.  Mrs. Barry has been active in the local hospital’s auxiliary and was advised by one of the development staff to consider a §664 charitable remainder annuity trust (CRAT).  The gift planner, Sally Singleton, had a persuasive set of reasons for her recommendations that included:

a)     A CRAT avoids capital gains on the appreciated property.

b)    A CRAT produces a steady, secure income stream to finance her retirement.  Gift planners know that older donors like safety and security, hallmarks of the CRAT.

c)     The land was appraised at $1.5 million, so the CRAT income stream of $75,000 would be greater than the farm’s current rental income of $125 per acre.

d)    The use of a 1 life 5% CRAT paid annually would provide Mrs. Barry with an income tax deduction of $853,837.

e)     The use of an IRS prototype CRAT document would reduce legal costs.

f)      The hospital could act as trustee and manage the investment account along with its other endowment funds.

g)    Mrs. Barry might continue to reside in the farm home until the land was sold at the end of the farming season to the developer.

From the hospital’s perspective, this is a classic CRT plan and fits the guidelines nearly perfectly.  When Mrs. Barry called the development officer, Ms. Singleton, and declined her CRT solution, Sally was surprised.  After all, it was a pretty good plan, what was the problem with the scenario?  Where did it go wrong?


First things first

Who’s the client?  Who benefits?  In this case, the hospital probably would benefit to the detriment of the income beneficiary.  While Mrs. Barry is charitably inclined, her modest estate doesn’t require that 100% of her farmland be contributed to a CRT to avoid an estate tax.  Remember, she has some “step-up in basis” on half the jointly owned property, so the capital gains liability, while significant, isn’t the only reason to act.  In this case, it makes more sense to contribute only half of the land to a CRT, and use the tax deductions to offset some of the gain from a taxable sale of the portion she retains.  This equity will provide her with the capital needed to relocate and still have a comfortable cushion.  Additionally, even though her children weren’t interested in the farm, Mrs. Barry didn’t want to completely disinherit them.  By splitting the land into two parcels, she’ll be able to use her exclusions to pass her heirs some assets and value free of tax.  The strategy of skimming the top off of her taxable estate and dropping it into a CRT and aggressively gifting to heirs works well to solve current estate tax liabilities.

While it’s often true that older client/donors don’t like risk, and a CRAT is often a tool to avoid unnecessary risk, in this case, the CRAT is the wrong tool.  If the development deal falls through, and the rental income is inadequate, a CRAT must distribute either cash or land back to Mrs. Barry.  A delayed sale means the CRAT might not have the liquidity to meet trust obligations, and since she can’t contribute extra cash to meet the required payout, a CRAT presents big hurdles.

The CRAT’s income tax deduction, while available over a total of six years, is limited to 30% of Mrs. Barry’s AGI.  Since she’s not likely to make the nearly $500,000/year it would take to use the deductions, most of the income tax savings are a fiction.  It would be better to increase the income payout to 7% or 8%, and change to a quarterly payout unitrust (CRUT) that allows additional contributions of cash just in case the sale doesn’t go through. Better yet, Mrs. Barry should make use of a FLIP CRUT to avoid the problems of contributing an illiquid asset.   Also, a 66 year old has a 50% chance of living longer than 16 years.  This longer time frame might make the unitrust more suitable as a way to offset modest inflation that would nearly halve the buying power of a CRAT payment over time.  For a 7% unitrust to function well, the trust investments need growth/income potential of 8 – 12%, so a well-diversified equity portfolio is required.

The use of a prototype legal document without outside counsel is a poor idea, as is providing complicated advice without getting the donor’s accountant, attorney and financial advisor into the loop.  If Ms. Singleton had briefed all of the donor’s advisors and asked for input, she might have been able to present a plan that everyone could support and understand.  IRS prototype documents aren’t designed for one size fits all cases, especially if there’s a hard to value asset involved.  Also, the charity takes on a potentially adversarial role by acting as trustee, and lately more legal liability and increased scrutiny is added to the mix.  While the charitable remainderman wants to preserve corpus, often by investing in bonds and preferred stocks, the income beneficiary of a CRT (especially a CRUT) would like growth.  Better yet, assets should produce capital gains instead of the higher taxed ordinary income generated from interest and dividends.  Additionally, the trustee must be very careful about commingling funds with other endowment accounts, as the CRT must track income earned and paid out under the trust’s four tier accounting system.

As for Mrs. Barry residing in her home after contributing it to the CRT, she’s a disqualified person and such actions might be considered self-dealing under §4941.  This provides more reason to split the real estate into two parcels, contributing one portion to the CRT and retaining the other portion with the home, and then jointly listing them for sale to the developer.


Cutting Your Tax Bill

Cutting Your Tax Bill

Cutting Your Tax Bill?

A New Approach to Old Tools

Vaughn W. Henry


Looking for ways to:

  • provide more retirement income
  • generate tax deductions
  • minimize unnecessary estate taxes

Charitable Gift Annuities have been offered by nonprofit organizations for nearly 150 years and are considered safe, stable and about as “plain vanilla” a planned giving program as one could imagine. After the recent uproar and changes in tax laws, a number of planners have begun to take a new look at an old tool to accomplish a wide variety of estate and financial planning needs. Unlike the more heavily promoted Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT found in IRC §664), the gift annuity is capable of accepting assets that might “poison” a typical remainder trust. For example, client/donors with Sub-S stock or debt financed real estate may find a receptive place to park those problem assets inside their Gift Annuity. When the charity wants to sell the contributed asset, there’s no prohibition against family members of the donor purchasing the asset back. Normally, self-dealing restrictions prevent many owners from contributing family business assets, so the CGA is a viable option and with proper planning, there are powerful reasons to use this little known tool.

Not only does the CGA avoid the new CRT requirement of a 10% charitable remainder (§1089 in TRA ’97), it isn’t limited to 5% minimum payouts either. The gift annuity may also be used to provide income to retirees who want to remain in their farm residence and receive a retirement income stream before passing the real property to their favorite charity. Besides generating tax deductions much like the CRT, a well-designed and custom drafted gift annuity can be created to accomplish the following:

  • provide either immediate or deferred income to the donor/beneficiary and still allow the charity access to funds to meet its current charitable missions
  • improve risk management by smaller charities when using a commercial insurance product to provide adequate protection for the donor
  • if income is deferred, it may be delayed or accelerated, according to beneficiary needs
  • inflation protection may be incorporated to accommodate cost of living adjustments
  • capital gains recognition on donated appreciated assets may be spread over life expectancy
  • some income may be passed back to the beneficiary as a tax-free return of principal
  • an easily understood transaction benefiting the donor and the nonprofit organization

An example of how this might work for John and Gail O’Hara, aged 68 and 65, who decide to contribute $300,000 of appreciated stock ($130,000 cost basis) to a local charity. In return, the charity agrees to pay them a steady annuity income over both of their life expectancies. The transfer also generates the O’Haras a tax deduction of $94,445. This frees up cash that may be used in part to offset the wealth they’re giving away through a wealth replacement trust. In this way, their kids won’t be disinherited by the gift. John and Gail will receive a fixed income stream of $20,400 every year that will be taxed under three tiers. $5,416.67 is tax-exempt, $7,083.33 is taxed at lower capital gains rates and only $7,900 is taxed as ordinary income. Based on IRS averages, they will receive these funds over the 24 years of their life expectancy and this meets their living expenses comfortably without tapping into their other assets. If medical emergencies or long term care issues pop up later on, retirement income can be adjusted with income from their other assets. Should John or Gail outlive the statistical averages, they will still receive their annual annuity, but by then payments would be recognized as ordinary income, since the capital gains and tax-free portions would have been used by then. Their tax deduction, if not used in the first year to offset their other income tax liabilities, may be carried forward and used over an additional five years. Coupled with the increased income security from the gift annuity and the cash saved from their charitable deduction, the O’Hara family can easily offset the gift by funding a wealth replacement trust to pass more assets to their children and grandchildren free of both income and estate taxes.

Case Studies and Articles

Converting Appreciated Stock Efficiently

Converting Appreciated Stock Efficiently

Converting Appreciated Stock Efficiently


David (63) and Jean (62) Grant opted for early retirement and possess an estate comprised primarily of publicly traded stock. Faced with a declining income stream, the Grants are concerned that almost all of their estate is tied up in just one company stock, valued in excess of $1 million. Like others who benefited from stock options and familybusiness interests, this high risk lack of diversity was a motivation to seek other alternatives. However, in order to have a diversified portfolio the Grants must typically sell and pay tax on their paper profits. While appreciation is a great way to accumulate wealth, now that they need to spend it in retirement, the 1.4 % dividend rate is just not adequate. So, a §664 CRT was suggested as a tool to assist them in meeting their goals to cut capital gains taxes.

Although the Grants are charitably inclined, there was some mention that the eventual transfer to charity probably would exceed $1.1 million, and that seemed a little more than the family initially desired. So they asked about increasing the payout to generate more income while they could enjoy their retirement. There were three comments made by their planning staff that answered those objections:

1. The future value of the capital gains liability of $147,192 at 9% over 29 years would be $1.79 million and so the charity is actually receiving less than the present value of just the capital gains tax. In a CRT, the Grants will have the right to control and generate income from capital that otherwise would have gone to the IRS. In a typical transaction, a seller of appreciated assets pays the tax and doesn’t think about conserving it. This is a great example of recognizing opportunities to do good works with the IRS’ money.

2. A lower payout CRUT generates a higher income tax deduction; over time, if the investment portfolio performs well, it will also produce more net income for the Grants. This is contrary to logic for many prospective donor-clients, but they need to remember how assets compound in a tax-exempt trust during their lifetime.

3. Since the portfolio of stock is liquid, by contributing only 75% of their stock holdings to the CRUT, the Grants have the remaining 25% that may be sold outside of the CRT and offset any taxable sale with some of the tax deductions generated by the deferred gift to charity. This provides back-up income.

While the Grants are concerned about their children, they intend to spend their retirement taking care of their own income and security needs, and if there is a little something extra left for heirs, that will be fine. However, they have no intention of impoverishing themselves to leave a windfall for their children. As a result, they purchased only a small life insurance contract and gifted it directly to their children to replace some of the wealth they were transferring into their §664 Trust. The remainder of their trust will go to three favorite charities and a local college as a way to shift something back to their community and keep control of their “social capital”.

Partial Stock Sale CRT Strategy

(see our web-site

for other tools)

Keep Asset and Do NothingSell Asset and Reinvest the Balance (A)Gift Asset to §664 CRT and Reinvest (B)
Fair Market Value of Publicly Traded Appreciated Stock




Less: Tax Basis 


Equals: Gain on Sale 


Less: Capital Gains Tax (federal and state combined @ 23%) 


Net Amount of Capital at Work




Current Net Return at 1.4% Dividend Rate


Annual Return From Asset Reinvested in Balanced Acct @ 9% 


Avg. Annual Return From Asset in 6.5% CRUT Reinvested @ 9%  


After-Tax (31%) Avg. Spendable Income For Each Scenario




Years of Projected Cash Flow for Income Beneficiaries 



Taxes Saved from $186,923 Deduction at 31% Marginal Rate  


Added Tax Savings and Cash Flow over Joint Life Expectancies 



Transfer to Family Charitable Interests




Henry & Associates designed the Grant scenario* and compared the options. Option (A) sell stock and pay the capital gains tax on the appreciation and reinvest the balance at 9% or Option (B) gifting the property to an IRC §664 Trust and reinvesting all of the sale proceeds in a 9% balanced portfolio. A SCRUT was used instead of a NIMCRUT to assure the income beneficiaries of a more reliable income stream. For younger donors with a desire to control the timing and amount of income, the NIMCRUT may be a better tool.

* Hypothetical evaluations are provided as a professional courtesy to members of the estate planning community. Call for suggestions or schedule a workshop for your professional advis60213084102/, development officers or charitable board members.

or try your own at Donor Direct